Who says that being a Journalist means being jobless and
money less? Well that person (who told you so) was really-so- wrong with his/her
perception of Journalism.
The Journalism industry offers many challenging jobs or
opportunities for highly trained and competent young men and women after
finishing the journalism course. Some of them can work in the editorial,
reportorial, business sections of the newspaper, as radio announcers,
newscasters, and radio script writers in the broadcast industry, in the private
sector as journal editor, press relations officer, copy writer, magazine
writer, in news and wire services, government information writers or officers
and in mass media organizations and political offices.
Those who have taken the course of Journalism or who have
taken at least journalism subjects may work or may be employed in the different
mass media networks, such as:
In metropolitan or provincial newspaper either
as reporter, copy reader, proof-reader, or section-editor-in-charge of any
departments such as cultural, school, business, entertainment, sports, etc.
In the magazines, English or Filipino, as
reporter, copy reader, researcher, short-story writer or editor/literary editor.
In business press, as public relations officer,
public information officer, editor or staff writer of house publications, trade
journalist, or promotions men.
In Advertising, promotions and public relations
officers as advertising men, copywriters, idea men of promotion projects,
writers or editors of publicity material, etc.
There is a big demand for radio and TV for
scriptwriters, advertising copywriters, gag writers, jingles writers,
researchers and other related jobs.
Also, there is online journalism that is in demand today.
Many opportunities are waiting for competent and skilled graduates after
graduating the course. Don’t be stuck up
by the thought of being jobless and tambay
after finishing the four-year education in Journalism.
“Journalism career is no less a vocation. Therefore, one
cannot or should not aspire to be a journalist unless he/she has a calling and
can hurdle its high standards and is ready to assume its awesome
responsibilities.” (Jaime Ramirez; 1989 p. 69)
Taken from Jaime Ramirez’s book “The Philippine Journalism Handbook” of 1989.
You've used strong words, nice topic also. Keep it up. Good luck on your career cathy :)
Thank you and goodluck with yours as well :-)
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